A generative platform that merges artistry with technology, an eloquent dance inspired by the natural world. This installation is born from a simple yet profound idea: using real-time data from a nearby weather sensor to craft ever-evolving patterns. It's a departure from the precision-obsessed data world, inviting us to embrace the poetic side of information.

In a world fixated on exact temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure readings, this creation prompts us to see data through a different, more emotive lens. Why be tethered to exact figures when we can immerse ourselves in the graceful poetry of patterns that stir our emotions?

At its core, this captivating piece unites four Raspberry Pi units seamlessly via WIFI, harmonizing with data from weather sensors connected to an Arduino. An algorithm, elegantly coded in Processing, conducts a visual symphony, brought to life on a mesmerizing LED Matrix.
This installation invites you to ponder the profound beauty concealed within the ever-shifting tapestry of weather data. It's a reflection on how art and technology can transform raw information into an evocative journey, sparking contemplation from afar.
Meteo Generative


Meteo Generative
